Monday, November 9, 2009

Questions of Life????

Well I'm back to my life in Alberta....and to be honest I'm not sure what I'm suppose to do. It's was extremely hard for me to leave Nova Scotia . I think on some level being in Nova Scotia made me feel closer to my dad. And now that I'm back here I feel lost!!! I honestly thought that when I got back here and seen Wes everything would go back to the way that its suppose to be, but that's not the case...I feel like an outsider looking in.

And I don't know how I'm suppose to do make it better, what are the steps to me getting my life back?? And will it get back to what it was?? or do I need to accept the fact that life with never be the same and move on??

Alot has changed since I left in Sept..or maybe it's just me that changed...I'm not really sure any more. So I guess I will spend the next couple of months trying to figure out where I fit in , in this great big crazy world

1 comment:

  1. Your life has changed Smurf. It will get easier, as time goes, but it is the new normal that you have to get used to. Wes is still Wes and your friends are all still the same ones you left in September. They will be there for you when you have a bad day and there too for the good ones:) I am here always for you!!!!
    Always being in the place you came from makes you feel closer to the ones you lost, being at a distance almost seems like they are still there.....that is how I feel most days, when I think of Pops. You to, will have those days.
    Love U tons
