Wednesday, September 30, 2009

leavin on a jet plane

Well the day that I have been dreading and counting down at the same time is here...Wes is leaving to go back home to Jasper ...leaving me here by my lonesome...
I should complain he came to visit me when I needed him, and now he has to go back to work so that I can stay here and look after my dad.
What a great man I married!!! He would do anything in the world for me, buy me anything or go anywhere for me..I'm one lucky girl.
So in the past week that he's been here, we haven't really done a whole lot..not that we didn't want to but also the reason I'm here is to look after my dad we stayed pretty close to home.

We ate what ever we wanted to .. and now I'm paying the price for it. I went to put on my dress pants this morning and they were way to tight...I did mange to get them on and done up , but way to uncomfortable to stay in all I've decided that now that Wes is going home I'm going to walk every day at the civic centre and lose some weight...I mean what else do I have to do everyday...
till tomorrow

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

what a way to start the day!!!

I woke up at 8 this morning to find dad already up and at the table....asks me to get him some water...I look outside and it's overcast and looks like it's gonna rain, I instantly feel depressed. I make breakfast for dad 2 fried eggs and some rice cakes...(he's loving the rice cakes lately) and a cup of tea. while he's eating I sit at the computer and check my facebook and emails...the phone rings and it's a friend calling to tell me that my uncle's cancer has doubled in size since july ...okay so now I'm even more depressed...

Tomorrow my husband goes back home to Jasper to go back to work, while I stay here..TEARS come to my eyes...I don't want him to go, but I know he has to (and it's because of him that I can stay with my father). more depressed...Then it hits me right between the eyes ....I have so much to live for, I have my health, my husband, family and friends...I have a lot to live for and I'm going to make the best of away with the depression and tears...I'm gonna enjoy every moment I have with my father ..

okay so this is my first blog...please know that they will not always be this depressing...I just had to get that off my will be about my father and his disease, but it will also be about me and my everyday life and the things that I see or do!!!