Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Copenhagen Long Cut !!!! ewwww

Well it's late and I'm just sitting down to write...I spended most of the day cleaning the Copenhagen Long cut (ewwwww )off the walls in the bathroom . My dad loved his copenhagen long cut (ewwwww again). he did it day and night !!! The Friday that I took him to the hospital, he made me go get it out of the van that night before I left. When he passed away on Saturday they gave me his belonging. 2 days later when I went to look for his chain , that I came across his copenhagen. So the day of the funeral I was planning on putting it in his pocket for him, when I went to look for it and realized that I forgot it home , so off to the store I went and got some (15 buck) . I stuck it in his pocket and told him to have a good chew on the way up to the big house. I had forgotten all about it til...yesterday when I was cleaning the pantry/storage room and I came across a sobey's bag full of empty copenhagen container. Seriously there must have been at least 30 of them in there ....(what he was saving them for we will never know) . But it was one of those little things and brings a smile to your face.. and then the tears started. Then I went looking for the open container that I had..and I decided that I'm gonna (no not chew it) ewww, but stick it in the freezer so that every time I look in there I will see it and think of him.. or til one day in the far far far away future...think to myself...why the hell are you keeping this!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Home Is Where The Heart Is!!!

Well here I sit at Dad's house all by my lonesome... I love this place!!! Its quiet, beautiful view and it's home. But when I get up in the morning the first thing I do is look in Dad's bed to see if he's up yet, and when I don't see him in there then I walk to the kitchen and look to see if he's at the kitchen table and then it hits me that he's gone!!

So now am I an orphane???? My Mom died 10 years ago and now my father has passed on.

It's funny looking around my dad's place( and it will always be dad's place) and seeing everything . I don't want to touch any thing and probably won't till the spring when I come home again and have a clear head. So to make a long story short my home will will always be here. and as some say....Home Is Where The Heart Is!!!.

I know my blogs are boring ,,, but I promise to make them more interesting in the future ;0)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Winter....Winter who????

Well I guess it had to come some time. I was just driving my 30 km back from town when it started to snow, hail , rain....whatever you wanted to call it...and it's damn cold out there too!!!
So for the past few days I have been trying to get everything done that needs to be done at my dad's house that I need a man for...I know I bad as it sounds..I'm going to ultilize Wes while he's still here. And the inside stuff I can do my self.

Who knew there would be so much to do....clean up the yard and lock away anything that is of any value. Get locks for the shops, change the house into my name, change the cars over to me!!!
I know that this stuff has to be done...but I think in the same since...I haven't had time to grief for my father. And everytime I do something it hits home that he's gone and isn't coming back.

So today I'm staying inside and gonna do what I can in the I'm gonna make some good old comfort food...maybe chicken fried steak with gravy and smashed potatoes...hmmm!!!

Oh and of course I'm gonna take advantage of Wes while he's here as well....LOL

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Is it a Happy Thanksgiving?????

Well it's been a few days ...okay more like a week since I've blogged...but I do have a good excuse!!! My dad passed away.
So I've been so busy taking care of things that I haven't had a chance to do much else.. I just wanted to say that I'll be back tomorrow in full force...