Sunday, December 6, 2009

Heaven...What's it like?????

Marks the day that my childhood next door neighbor Larry Leblanc left us for heaven..and as most of you know recently my dad went up to join my mom. For my mom and dad..I knew it was going to happen, they both has cancer and I was told in both cases that it was only a matter of time....I had time to prepare myself or so I thought, I wasn't prepare for ANYTHING the feelings of loss , anger and loneliness!!!

Little Larry was just gone and I can't even begin to imagine what his parents , brother, sister , girlfriend , kids and rest of his family went through and I'm sure still going through!!

So It is my wish that since my parents are up there and so is Little Larry that he can borrow them till his parents one day eventually join him. and I'll borrow his :0).

I so want to believe that there is a place up there , where they can be a peace and feel no pain and know no sickness. But I have some questions and I know that they may never get answered , but I still have to ask.....

What is heaven like??? Is it peaceful? Nil of sickness? Does it rain or snow? Or is it constant sunshine? Do you sleep? Or are you awake 24 hours a day? Where do you eat? And if you eat do you get to eat what ever you want, whenever you want? Larry do you get to play the guitar all the time? Mom and Dad do you get to go to bluegrass festivals? Paddy do you have fishing boat?
Do you get to watch us all day? If so what does it look like ?Are you looking down upon at us? Or are you beside us?

Do you all live in houses ? Do you have neighborhoods ? Or do you all live in one big house?
If you want to go somewhere, do you get in the car and go ? Or do you think about where you want to go and your just there? Do you age? Or just stay the same age as when you passed?

Do you get to celebrate holidays and special occasions like Christmas, Halloween, birthdays and Anniversaries?

And I guess the big questions is ...Did you meet the BIG GUY? Is there a BIG GUY?

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